Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why things break?

It is a dreadful feeling when something breaks and this feeling is spontaneous and natural for most of us. The mourning associated with that broken thing varies from person to person and also on the value of the broken thing. If the windscreen of a brand new Rolls Royce is broken that would be more appalling than if glass of an old window is broken. The money factor obviously augments the grief linked with a broken windscreen of the RollsRoyce.
Developments in the field of material science have enabled us to understand the factors associated with the disintegration of ordinary things. Everything has a threshold point when it comes to the load applied to it. This threshold varies from material to material. By and large all things have breaking point or the fracture point as described in the scientific terms. Once the load or stress applied exceeds this brink the material collapses. The designers of various buildings and bridges have to ensure that they bear these things in mind whilst designing, otherwise the designed structure would fall part. Time also plays an important part in the falling apart of things, as recurring loading depletes the strength of the material. This type of failure is termed as fatigue failure and happens over a period of time. No one gets excited at the sight of a broken thing except for metallurgists who reassemble the pieces and trace the path of fracture backwards to the origin.  
 Relationships and marriages also fall apart due to an array of reasons. Unlike materials the human mind is more difficult to comprehend and therefore the exact cause of a relationship breakup is almost next to impossible to establish. There can be whole lot of reasons for a relationship failure. Sometimes we tend to jump the gun and make commitments before knowing the other person fully and when the reality dawns at us we realize how incompatible we are with each other. Sometimes we hear in the news that a certain Tiger Woods becomes a victim of domestic violence. The reason for the brutal beating at the hands of his wife is given as cheating upon her. Men are notoriously known for cheating upon their girlfriends/wives and a break up becomes inevitable in such cases.
Things just break either due to a mishap or naturally, as essentially everything; living or non living has a definite end.

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